
Behaal sukses deur moedertaalonderrig

"Ons glo in Afrikaans se plek in hierdie land."
Ingrid Erlank

New online short courses aimed at upskilling and maximizing time

The IMM Graduate School has a legacy of 70 years in South Africa and is a renowned provider of distance higher education.
Charlene Lamb

Deciding whether to keep a child back at school

Repeating a grade is not a failure.

Develop your child's study strategies for academic excellence

Ensure that children have a suitable study environment.

Scammers exploit higher education regulations

"Bogus colleges have become increasingly sophisticated in their methodology."

The path to mastery starts in early childhood

Early learning should be age-appropriate.

Golden age for distance learning

Modern distance learning can significantly more effective than the lecture room.

Prospective students must scrutinise promises before signing up

"The gap between the world of work and higher education must keep narrowing."

Matrics have three months to put shoulder to the wheel

Break each subject’s content down into logical and manageable sections.

Switching Streams: Teenage career choice not a lifelong ball-and-chain

A choice made in one’s teenage years need not impact the rest of one’s life.