Putting your best foot forward

Posted in Lifestyle by Steven J. Brown on 12 January, 2023 at 6:19 p.m.

Our feet get forgotten in the colder months, due to them being covered up all the time, and that saying “out of sight, out of mind” certainly rings true.

The cold winter weather can have a harmful effect on your feet, if not taken care of correctly. After all, your feet are the workhorses of your body, having to bear the weight of your body every step of the way.

As the weather conditions turn colder by the day, it is important to keep your feet clean, warm and dry. This is especially important for people with circulation problems, such as Raynaud’s Syndrome, the elderly, as well as those living with diabetes.

Spa experts from Granny Mouse Country House & Spa have compiled some of their best tips for healthy feet this winter:
  • Nail care - Cut your toenails in a natural line but be careful not to cut too low, especially at the sides as this will contribute to ingrown toenails.
  • Moisturize your feet - Your feet can get very dry during winter and, although you might moisturize the rest of your body, people tend to forget about their feet. To help prevent cracking and dryness, use a rich foot cream on clean and dry feet every day.
  • Shoes - make sure you have some good quality winter shoes. Consider when purchasing your winter shoes that you allow for some extra room for thicker socks.
  • Socks - Socks made from cotton and wool are beneficial to your feet as they are naturally more absorbent, which is important in the colder months. Wear thicker non-constricting socks that prevent heat loss ensuring you keep your feet warm and dry.
  • Thoroughly dry your shoes - Damp shoes are a breeding ground for bacteria, meaning there is an increased chance of infection. To prevent the risk of infection, we recommend you place your wet shoes in a warm, dry place.
  • Check your feet regularly - if your feet are a problem for you, it is important to check your feet regularly. Beware of Chilblains!  These are small, itchy, painful lumps that develop on the skin. They develop as an abnormal response to cold.
  • Treat yourself to a pedicure regularly - Although your feet go into hiding in the colder months, it is always nice to know that no matter the weather, your toenails look fabulous! So, treat yourself and enjoy a relaxing pedicure, performed by a professional.


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