No charges brought against Mark Norris
Mark Norris arrives at Barberton Magistrate's Court after having been in police custody since yesterday.
BARBERTON - Mark Norris (39) has not appeared in court and not been charged with the shooting of Luke von Johnston and John Khoza. The incident occured at Boondock Farms yesterday, October 24.
Africa InTouch News made contact with Monica Mnyuswa, spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa (NPA). She said: "There is at this stage not enough admissible evidence on the docket to warrant the matter to be enrolled. He was in custody but after seeing that we cannot enroll the matter he is going to be released," she said.
The investigation is in progress.
Barbertonians whom this journalist have spoken to were very unhappy, some even outraged, about the day's events.
Africa InTouch News will keep you updated on any new developments.